HABITAT III -the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development
Hydro Nation Scholar, Robert Sakic Trogrlic attended HABITAT III - the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, where UN member state will establish global commitment to sustainable urbanisation through a global agreement – the New Urban Agenda.
Robert was invited by the HABITAT III Secretariat to be a speaker for the Children and Youth Roundtable, representing Water Youth Network. He was also in charge of organising and facilitating a session entitled The role of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation for building urban resilience, organised jointly by Water Youth Netwrok, United Nations Major Group for Chilren and Youth and TERI- The Energy and Resources Institute. This is part of Science, Technology and Innovation Stream of the Children and Youth Forum, which was held on October 15th.
Robert also had a role in supporting (along with Water Youth Network) the HABITAT III youth representative of the Netherlands and Dutch Government in organising a youth competition called Youth for Sustainable Urban Deltas, the winner of which will get a chance to present at COP22 in November 2016.