Hydro Nation Scholar Scholar, Bas Buddendorf to present at the AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco 12th-16th December 2016
Hydro Nation Scholar, Bas Buddendorf will be attending the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall meeting in San Francisco in December. Bas will be giving a talk titled 'Spatio-Temporal Effects Of River Regulation On Habitat Suitability For Juvenile Atlantic Salmon: Implications For Ecosystem Functioning.' His study focussed on the River Lyon, a tributary of the Tay, Scotland's largest river. Bas investigated the effects of different types of river regulation (hydropeaking, compensation flow and near-natural) on the hydraulic characteristics of downstream river reaches and inferred the consequences for juvenile salmon using hydraulic habitat suitability models. This work improves understanding of the effects of regulation on biophysical processes and may be useful in managing trade-offs between management, restoration, and societal benefits.